Our Team
We want you to find in our space things that catch your attention, as when we saw them for the first time it made you want them.
Álvaro Varela architect with several prizes on his back and professor in the University Politecnica of Madrid.
Diana R Torres, criminal lawyer, over 20 years of experience in the world of antiques supervised auctions for the shop Merc&cia of Seville, also combined 8 years to the interior design of big Cruise Ships, travelling for the majority of Shipyards of the world, re-decorating the Ships that the Americans were rejecting.
Patricia Salome, graduated in Tourism who comes from the land of fire, whom worked for Diana in both the antiquities and Ships having devoted herself since then to the world of events and communication.
Javi Lafite y Patrick Fransen, a landscape painter and a Dutch florist that having their own business Fransen et Lafite, entered our project just because they believe in it, contributing freshness and new ideas.
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Guáimaro en la prensa

Guáimaro is not a name put at random, it has a history with many grease that goes back to the 18th century.
Jose Borrell and Padron, son of a captain of corsair, comes to Cuba from Mataró with the idea of having a sugar plantation, called there ingenuities. He acquires in Trinidad's county, "Ingenio de Guáimaro", with almost 1200 hectares.

“El Valle de los ingenios tuvo en lo que fuera la hacienda de Guáimaro uno de los “colosos?que ayudaron a forjar la leyenda de fortunas trinitarias, y colocar a Trinidad en la primera mitad del S.XIX entre las tres primeras ciudades de Cuba por importancia?